(d) The Call to Discipleship (8:8-9):


In  Matt 28:19 Jesus commands us to make disciples of the nations. So far the Bride has gone into the  fields to proclaim who He is (evangelism) and tend the  vine (Church ministry). However, here she is recalling the process of discipleship she has undergone herself and now longs to bring others into.

This is a quality of Perfecting Love, it desires to perfect (mature) others, even to a point where they out shine us. How much is this desire present in your life ?

She grew up in a home where her elder brothers made definite plans to prepare for her marriage (‘the day she is spoken for’). We too are called to help prepare disciples for a deeper relationship with Jesus (discipleship in the N.T is described in close ‘family’ terms of nurturing young converts). There are two basic types of people mentioned here.

WALL people and DOOR people.

(i)  WALL people: “If she is a  wall, we will build upon her a  battlement of  silver.”

A strong wall has good foundations and speaks of a person who displays good character (strong and solid) and judgement, and resists temptations (puts up ‘boundaries’ of protection).This kind of character should be built upon - i.e.allowed a large measure of freedom and room for growth (not overly restricted).

Also this type of person should be freely rewarded - ‘ Towers of  Silver’ (NIV) or ‘Battlements of Silver’ (NKJV) may be translated ‘a turret (sing.) of silver’, referring to a beautiful, much valued head ornament, or it may simply refer figuratively to their adorning her as people adorned defense towers with silver. (Silver is symbolic of Redemption). - in the light of the above, interpret further this passage....

(ii)  DOOR people:”If she is a  door, we will enclose her with  boards of  cedar.”

door speaks of a person who is open to outside influences (in relation to a spouse-to-be it could refer to one who is open to the advances of others - prone to immorality) - one who is reckless and easily overcome by temptations. This kind of person should be restricted of their freedom (figuratively spoken of as enclosing her with cedar panels, like barricading a door with planks).

Are you a wall or a door ? If you are discipling people, are they walls or doors ? How should you disciple them ? Discuss further characteristics implied by the images of door and wall....

In the Church there are many 'teachers' but few spiritual 'fathers' and 'mothers' who selflessly pour out their lives for their spiritual children as the Apostle Paul did. These people cannot simply be produced overnight as a result of a structured Disipleship training programme, but they are raised up by God and have been through the process of love that the Shulamite has been through so far in this song! Let us pray for the revelation of these mature believers in these end times.


 Overview Of Stage Five.


Copyright 1999 Gibson Productions
E-Mail Tim Gibson (Wemaster and author)